Using Ritual to Create Inner Belonging

Elemental Living Community Retreat

Elemental Living Community Retreat

Sunday was a big day! I hosted a lovely group of women on Lake Martin for the first (but not last!) Elemental Living Community Retreat. I am so grateful for the fun and time we shared - scroll to the bottom to see a few pics! The day was spent connecting with the Earth element and learning ways to embrace belonging - with ourselves and those around us. 

The idea of belonging can be pretty emotional. Many of us go through our days scrolling social media and having constant interaction, but still feeling isolated, disconnected or misunderstood.

How do we have meaningful connection that honors our Self?

How do we have meaningful connection with other without over extending?

How do we create space?

And how do we do this without adding additional stress, guilt or items to our to-do lists?

We create ritual.

You probably already have some you may not even realize - I did! I've put together a list of some of the habits or rituals I've used and enjoyed throughout the years. These are all suggestions. Maybe you pick a couple to try from the list below or perhaps they inspire you to create something unique for your lifestyle!


Energizing Yoga Pose

Energizing Yoga Pose

  • Yoga - DUH :) Try a post that makes you feel strong & energized, like this lifted warrior. 
  • Essential oils - Citrus & Mint are both energizing and great for a morning boost. Try diffusing one as you get ready or even putting a splash on your wrists to enjoy throughout the day.
  • Energizing Tea - Black or Green teas contain some caffeine, but are not quite as high as regular coffee. For my caffeine free folks, try a ginger or peppermint tea to wake up - both are great for digestion too!
  • Warm Lemon Water - Similar to mint or ginger tea, warm lemon water gives a digestive boost. Kick things up a notch & give my Winter Wellness Elixir a try! :) 
  • Sound - Try your favorite tunes or some uplifting music on your morning commute 


  • Space Clearing - palo santo, sage, sound (bells or singing bowls). Palo Santo is my favorite, as it promote wellbeing and has a sweet smell. I light it every morning when I wake up. 
  • Journaling - you can use a prompt, like a quote or simply jot down 3 things you're grateful for - don't forget the little things! 
  • Timed Breathing - Start with 1-3 minutes. Place a hand on your belly and one on the heart. Draw your focus to the flow of your breath in and out of the body with emphasis on the exhale. 
  • Touch - grounding through the feet, feeling the breath in the belly, touching the heart and feeling it beat. This is especially helpful in times of overwhelm and/or while traveling 
  • Mantra - I am safe, I belong, I am centered - use whatever speaks to you
  • Cold Water - run cold water over your hands, splash your face or even blast your body the last 30 second of your shower to boost circulation and give you a physical reset or cleansing feeling. 


  • Calming Tea - lavender or chamomile are lovely just before bed
  • Body Scan - starting at the bottom of the feet, bring awareness to every part of your body moving up the tops of the feet, shins, calves...etc until you reach the crown of your head then back down again. Pair this with long, deep breathing with emphasis on the exhale. 
  • List making - for my overwhelmed clients, I encourage them to do a pre-bedtime brain dump. Write down all thoughts, tasks, fears or stressors then leave it alone. Getting it onto paper takes the responsibility off of you to remember everything and helps promote sound sleep. 
  • Yoga - try something gentle like placing your legs up the wall to calm you from the day. 

So - do you feel inspired to try 1-2 of these new habits? Let me know what you try and how you like it! Remember, you belong in your body. You have every right to do exactly what works for you!

Much love,
