Winter Wellness Elixir

Just like nature goes through seasonal transitions, so do our bodies. It's important to stay mindful of how our bodies respond to these transitions. If you're like me, this quick cold snap we're having in the south has left me feeling cold, dehydrated and out of sorts. After spending all day yesterday in the windy, cold weather for the yard sale, I woke up today needing something to warm me up and give my immune system a boost. My favorite winter tea did the trick! This tea is super easy to make and has so many benefits. It is best enjoyed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. 

Winter Wellness Elixir

  • 1 thumb fresh ginger root, chopped or grated
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 Tbl Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 tsp raw, local honey
  • dash of cayenne pepper 
    Directions: Put the ginger in a small pot of filter water and bring to a boil.  Cover and set aside for 5-10minutes. In your favorite mug, add ACV, honey and cayenne then strain the fresh lemon juice to remove pulp and seeds. Strain the ginger tea into the mug.  Sip and enjoy :)

Ginger - promotes circulation and is known for its anti-inflammatory and immune boosting powers  
Lemon - blast of vitamin C and helps hydrate the lymphatic system
Braggs ACV - a probiotic which keeps your gut healthy and promotes good digestion
Raw honey - great for the immune system and balances the tea with just a little bit of sweetness
Cayenne pepper - gives the metabolism a little morning boost


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